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Castles, chateaus and other monuments Muzea a galerie Hotels, pensions and other accommodation Restaurants Ceska verze

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  • The last excursion begins usually one length of excursion before the closing time of the monument.
  • Entrance fee: full, reduced (eg. children, students, retired), foreigners full, foreigners reduced (usually with foreign language speaking guide).
  • Parking: first number for cars, the second one for buses.

  • Památka Prazsky castle - Prasna vez Mihulka,   district Praha

Address:  Prazsky hrad
11000  Praha 1
Phone:  +420 224 373 368


Last updated:  12th Jan 2006
Location of this object

Ve stredu hlavniho mesta Ceske Republiky. Pristup napr. tramvaji (c. 22) do stanice Prazsky hrad a ulici U Prasneho mostu do severni brany Hradu.
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Vez Mihulka - pohled pres Jeleni prikop
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Opening hours

April - October: daily 900 - 1700
November - March: daily 900 - 1600
Entrance fee

120 CZK full * 60 CZK reduced * 180 CZK family fee za souhrnou vstupenku k prohlidce vsech pristupnych objektu (Katedrala sv. Vita - historicka cast (chor, podzemi a vez), Stary kralovsky palac, Bazilika svateho Jiri, Prasna vez "Mihulka"). Plati 3 dny. + Pruvodcovske sluzby: Cz: 150 CZK (skupina do 5 osob, za kazdou dalsi osobu 30 Kc), jiny jazyk: 400 CZK (do 5 osob, za kazdou dalsi osobu 80 Kc).

Without guide or with guide, denne krome Po, 60 min.
Additional services

Reservation of tours, saling the souvenir, letting of premises after previous negotiation.
Camera, video

no * no
Wheelchair access


200 m (paid) * 200 m (paid)

Kancelar prezidenta republiky
Train, bus

Train station: Tram 200 m
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  • Restaurace U Labuti 

Phone:+420 220 511 191 
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Address:Hradcanske nam. 11, Praha 1
Cz, De, En, It, Fr
Cz, De, En
Prices:75 - 440
Open:Daily 10-24

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  • Hotel residence 7 angels - Boutique hotel, retro styl de luxe

Phone:+420 224 234 381 
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Address:Jilska 20, Praha 1
Email: residence@7angels.cz
Languages:Cz, De, En, It, Ru
Reservation:phone, fax, email
Prices:3500 - 4900

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