April: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1600 May: daily except Monday 900 - 1600 June - August: daily except Monday 900 - 1700 September: daily except Monday 900 - 1600 October: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1600 Otherwise only after previous negotiation. . |
Jedna tour IV. - X.: 40 CZK/1,25 € full * 30 CZK/0,95 € reduced * 1 CZK/0,05 € children do 6 let *** 90 CZK/2,80 € foreigners full * 80 CZK/2,50 € foreigners reduced *** 60 CZK/1,90 € s cizojazycnym textem full * 50 CZK/1,55 € s cizojazycnym textem reduced Obe trasy IV. - X.: 80 CZK/2,50 € full * 60 CZK/1,90 € reduced * 1 CZK/0,05 € children do 6 let *** 180 CZK/5,60 € foreigners full * 160 CZK/5,00 € foreigners reduced *** 120 CZK/3,80 € s cizojazycnym textem full * 100 CZK/3,10 € s cizojazycnym textem reduced Priplatky ke vstupnemu: 5 - 100 % mimo navstevni dobu, 10 - 200 % mimo sezonu. |
Okruh I. – klasterni charakter, 60 min., maximum 45 people, (expozice sv. Jana Nepomuckeho, expozice historie benediktinu, kostel Nanebevzeti Panny Marie, opatsky byt) Okruh II. – zamecky charakter, 50 min. (expozice sv. Jana Nepomuckeho, expozice historie benediktinu, zimni refektar, lapidarium soch M. B. Brauna, knihovna knizeciho rodu Windischgrätzu) |
Reservation of tours, saling the souvenir, pronajem prostor, weddings on demand (poplatek 3000,- Kc). |