Chateau Konopiste
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Konopiště, Růžová zahrada
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The Konopiště castle was founded as a gothic fortress after model of french castles in the end of the 13th century, probably by the Prague´s bishop Tobiáš of Benešov. .The first intervention to the medieval structure was made in the end of the 15th century by Jiří of Šternberk than in the beginning of the 17th century by the Hodějovští of Hodějovice. The Vrtbovští of Vrtba changed Konopiště to a baroque residence in the 18th century. The archduke Franz Ferdinand who bought the chateau in 1887 from the Lobkovičtí, reconstructed Konopiště to a magnificent seat of the intending emperor. The chambres of the chateau were equiped with the museum collections whose basis come from an inheritance after the Modena´s duke. At the area of the baroque garden The Rose garden with hot house was built.

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