


April, May: daily except Monday 1000 - 1600
June - August: daily except Monday 1000 - 1700
September, October: daily except Monday 1000 - 1700
The tours starts at 1300 on Sunday and every Clerical holidays.
The tours aren't practise in times of concerts.
Otherwise only after previous negotiation.

30 CZK full * 10 CZK reduced *** 50 CZK foreigners full * 25 CZK foreigners reduced

Kostel, kritova chodba, kapitulni sin
With guide (Cz, De), texty (En, Fr, Rus), 45 min, maximum 50 people.

Reservation of tours, saling the souvenir

gratis * gratis

do kostela a zčásti do křížové chodby

100 m (gratis) * 100 m (gratis)

Ceska kongregace Nejcistejsiho srdce Panny Marie - Cisterciacke opatstvi Osek