Prazsky castle
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Prazsky castle

Address:  Prazsky hrad
11000  Praha 1
Phone:  +420 224 373 368

National cultural monument

Last updated:  8th Aug 2006
Location of this object

Ve stredu hlavniho mesta Ceske Republiky. Pristup napr. tramvaji (c. 22) do stanice Prazsky hrad a ulici U Prasneho mostu do severni brany Hradu.
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Cultural events

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  • 24.01.2003 - 11.01.2004  Václav Brožík  
Opening hours

The Area of the Castle:
April - October: 500 - 2400
November - March: 600 - 2300

Cathedral of St Vit, The Old Royaly Palace, Basilica of St Jiri, Powder Tower, Gold narrows/Daliborka:
April - October: 900 - 1700
November - March: 900 - 1600

Yearly: daily 1000 - 1800

The Chateau's Park in Lany:
30. March - October: Wednesday, Thursday 1400 - 1800, Saturday, Sunday 1000 - 1800

Ball Room, Picture Gallery:
Yearly: daily except Monday 1000 - 1800

Entrance fee

1. tour: 220 CZK full * 110 CZK reduced * 300 CZK family fee * 2. tour: 180 CZK full * 90 CZK reduced * 270 CZK family fee * 3. tour: 40 CZK full.
Slevy: (po predlozeni platneho prukazu) students zakladnich, strednich a vysokych skol, rodina - 1 dite, 2 dospele osoby, soldiers, invalide, retired people, odborni pracovnici galerii…
Volny vstup: children do 6 let, zaci zakl. skol s doprovodem, drzitele prukazu ZTP, retired people starsi 70 let.

With guide, maximum. 60 min., CJ - 150,-/skupina do 5 people, za kazdeho dalsiho 30,-.
Jiny jazyk - 400,-/skupina do 5 people, za kazdeho dalsiho 80,-.
1. tour: katedrala sv. Vita, Stary kralovsky palac, bazilika sv. Jiri, Prasna vez, Zlata ulicka/Daliborka
2. tour: katedrala sv. Vita, Stary kralovsky palac, Zlata ulicka/Daliborka
3. tour: Zlata ulicka/Daliborka
Additional services

Reservation of tours, saling the souvenir, letting of premises after previous negotiation.
Camera, video

no * no
Wheelchair access

Yes, některé části hradu.

200 m (paid) * 200 m (paid)

Kancelar prezidenta republiky
Train, bus

Train station: Tram 200 m
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  • Lvi dvur - Prazske selatko

Phone:+420 224 372 361 
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Address:U Prasneho mostu 6/51, Praha 1
Cz, De, En
Cz, De, En, Ru
Reservation:phone, email
Prices:100 - 460
Open:Daily 11-23

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  • Pension Frydl

Phone:+420 283 911 121 
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Address:Na Hlavni 23, Praha 8
Languages:Cz, De, En
Reservation:phone, fax, email
Prices:1200 - 1400

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