


April: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1200, 1300 - 1600
May - August: daily except Monday 800 - 1200, 1300 - 1700
September: daily except Monday 800 - 1200, 1300 - 1600
October: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1200, 1300 - 1600
Otherwise only after previous negotiation.

50 CZK full * 35 CZK reduced

Zamek: with guide, 60 min, maximum 50 people. Muzeum and galerie without guide.
Pripravuje se dalsi tour: Kostel Nejsvetejsi Trojice + Zvonice: with guide, at least 20 people.

Reservation of tours, saling the souvenir, letting of premises after previous negotiation, poradani svateb.

no * no

pouze do expozice Orlické galerie - Hladíkova síň na II. nádvoří

50 m (gratis) * 50 m (gratis)

Jan Kolowrat Krakowsky