

 Author: Martin Strouhal Send as an electronic postcard

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April: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1100, 1300 - 1500
May - August: daily except Monday 800 - 1100, 1300 - 1600
October: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1100, 1300 - 1500
September: daily except Monday 900 - 1100, 1300 - 1500
Last tour start at 1 hod before finish opening hours.

70 CZK full * 60 CZK retired people * 50 CZK students v hromadnych vypravach * 15 CZK children 3-6 let * 35 CZK children 6-15 let * 170 CZK family fee

Jeden prohlidkovy tour with guide, 60 min., maximum 45 people.

Reservation of tours, saling the souvenir, weddings on demand, informacni centrum.

100 CZK * 200 CZK

částečně, pouze přízemí a nádvoří

100 m (20 CZK/hod) * 100 m (80 CZK/hod)

Okresni vlastivedne muzeum Sumperk