Poutni church sv. Jana Nepomuckeho na Zelene hore
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Poutni church sv. Jana Nepomuckeho na Zelene hore

Address:  ITC Zamek Zdar
59101  Zdar nad Sazavou
Phone:  +420 566 629 152
Email:  itc@zamekzdar.cz

National cultural monument

Last updated:  27th Mar 2006
Location of this object

Region of Vysocina, in the city Zdar nad Sazavou.
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Author: Jana Pokorna
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Cultural events

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    Opening hours

    April - October: daily except Monday 900 - 1700
    November - March: Monday - Friday 800 - 1600 - only pro predem objednane skupiny.
    Last tour starts at 16,30.
    Entrance fee

    Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckeho 30 CZK full * 20 CZK reduced *** 60 CZK foreigners full
    Mimo sezonu 100% prirazka.
    V obdobi vanocnich svatku zavreno.

    Velky tour: konventni kostel Nanebevzeti P. Marie, vystavy v budove konventu and poutni kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckeho.
    Maly tour: konventni kostel Nanebevzeti P. Marie, vystavy v budove konventu.
    Additional services

    Zamecka cajovna a prodejna keramiky.
    Camera, video

    yes * yes (pouze v exteriérech)
    Wheelchair access


    gratis * gratis

    Statni pamatkovy ustav v Brne
    Train, bus

    Bus station: Zdar nad Sazavou, autobusove nadrazi (3 km)
    Train station: Zdar nad Sazavou (3 km)
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